No prizes for guessing which WOJ image I used! Besides the fact you can see it above - it's one of the very few images I have left...................Good job I ordered 5 WOJ stamps at the weekend!!! Watch out next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Henry is once again coloured with my WC pencils. I bought some Derwent Aquatone's at the weekend, the ones that look like pencils but are solid colour - still to try them properly yet! Anyone else use them?
I've also covered him with a coat of 3d Gloss - I love the look it gives.

The papers are from the same pad as the card a few posts down, I bought it from my local craft shop. It's called 'Cupcakes' and is by Craft House.
Off to soak up the last of the evening sun, hope you're all not getting too hot & sticky!